Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bickr, etc.

For bunny mental health, most indoor bunny communities are set up to reflect the temperature and light of the outdoors. We haven't gone as far as turning on the sprinklers to simulate rain, or bringing in snow machines, but we try to create an environment similar to the natural one. Since bunnies work four hours a day at most and tend to sleep in bun naps, they have a lot of free time on their paws. Naturally, they're looking for entertainment. Now that paw-sized cell phones with cameras are widely available, many bunnies are having fun with phot0-transforming web sites like Bickr. The younger ones especially enjoy mashing photos of themselves and their friends and posting them on BTube. There are contests for all age groups for the most creatively transformed photos. Our bunny programmers are always on the lookout for new ideas. You can find them at any time of the day or night bun-storming at Panda, the organic-food cafe run by Babs, our own baby panda. (Several members of ordinarily larger species live in Canyon City. They are kept small with Doctor von Bun's anti-growth treatments and special diets.) Most places in the city are open twenty-four hours a day, more or less. Something is always going on.

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